Monday, December 26, 2011

The anticipation

I hope everyone had a wonderful relaxing (take that as you may) holiday! I can't even believe how fast it came & went!  The new year is about to begin!  In between now & then I hope to get pregnant! eeekkkk!!  OH MY GOSH!!  Are we even that close!! YES!! 
We're talking about a possible Friday/Saturday transfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I've got a mix of emotions.  Mostly anxious.  I feel like I have a lot of weight wanting this so bad for both myself & for my IP's.  I'm just being true with my feelings here, I'm not crazy hard on myself.  I know that things will work out the way they are supposed to.  In the end no matter what happens I know that it is what it is.  I kinda stole that saying from my brother. 
So tomorrow, bright & early, another ultrasound and some bloodwork.  The monitoring clinic sees patients in a small window of time in the morning.  I suppose that works for most people who have husbands that don't leave at the crack of dawn.  For me it requires work finding a sitter.  Again, it is what it is! And once we get those results back we will hope still for an end of the week transfer!  Fingers crossed!
Keep you posted!

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